Sunday, October 3, 2010

One Nation Rally

On Saturday, October 2, 2010, all of the NEA Board of Directors, state affiliate presidents, state and national officers, staff and others supporting the National Education Association, joined their progressive colleagues, neighbors, and friends in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC for the purpose of supporting the "One Nation" Rally that was held from 12:00-4:00 on the nation's Mall.

It was quite the event. A sea of colors worn by the various unions and other supporting groups could be seen all around. MSNBC talk show host and radio personality, Ed Shultz, hosted part of the program. Others joining in the list of speakers included leaders of the various unions, organizers, representatives from the NAACP, and community activists.

As I have been reading about the event on the Internet this morning, I have been struck by the back and forth debate about which rally was bigger--Glenn Beck's or the one held yesterday. I say, WHO CARES? The only turn out that is really going to count this fall is the turn out at the nation's polls on November 2, 2010, when people turn out to vote. If Progressive community members stay home, it will result in a giant step backward for our country. I hope and pray that people who have been lethargic and less than enthused about the 2010 Congressional election will get up and take themselves to vote when the vote really counts. We need to maintain a majority in the House of Representatives and we need to maintain our slim hold in the Senate. A step in the other direction will just result in more gridlock, and I think it safe to say, we've already got plenty of that.

I urge my fellow VEA members and the readers of this blog to get out and vote for Virginia's NEA Fund for Children and Public Education recommended candidates. In Virginia, those individuals include Gerry Connelly from Northern Virginia, Glenn Nye from Tidewater, Rick Boucher from far Southwest, and Tom Perriello from Congressional District 5 an area that includes all or part of Greene, Campbell, Bedford, Albermarle, Nelson, Fluvanna, Buckingham, Cumberland, Appomattox, Prince Edward, Charlotte, Lunenburg, Franklin, Henry, Pittsylvania, Halifax, Mecklenberg, and Brunswick Counties, making it Virginia's largest district and is actually larger than New Jersey. It includes the independent cities of Bedford, Charlottesville, Danville, and Martinsville.

All of these candidates have been friends of the VEA's over the course of the past two years--and Rick Boucher has been a friend and supporter for three decades! We owe it to these individuals to support their efforts to continue their good work on our behalf. Please plan to get out and vote on November 2. Our kids' futures depend upon it.

Until next time.
